Saturday 15 October 2011

A very good letter from 'oor' Charlie that missed the post.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

to all non resident fathers

by chick on Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:01 am

Gentlemen as allway's we do not mean we should be given priority over father's at no time have we stated this we are a forum for grandparent's and we have allways stated, after it was brought to our attention that in all cases provided that there is no danger to a child/ren both parent's should be involved in a there upbringing and pfcourse the same goe's for grandparents as well the reason i am writing this is to clear up any confusion that we should be given prority over speak's for its self really as father's and of course some mother's have to work to support there child/ren plus both parent's also after working all week whether it be a mother bringing up a child/ren and visa versa off course. this is where grandparents can be both a valuble asset to both the children and the parent's so come on all resident parent's forget about the arguments he fighting you had. it doesent matter who' was to blame the children love you both if either parent is bad to there children , the oldrer kids will sort that out them selfs and wont want to go to the parent who is bad to them but please be honest and leave it up to them to choose not you. honest trust me you both will be happier with in yourselfs it' mean's you both can go out , for the sake off the children please be civil to each other for there sake and honest . you both will get on a lot better than you did when you were together please give it a try it will be a bit tense at the beginnig but it will ease off after the first two or three visit's And when the kids are happy it reflects on all so give it a go please for all our happiness and wellbeing all round.

and the father who phoned i hope this clear's up any confusion there was, and please phone me back or dont withold your number and i will phone you if you wish.

luv in friendship charlie and as usual please exscuse the spelling lol as long as you know what i am talking about i know i could use spellchecker but it takes me long enough to do my one finger typing lol

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