Thursday 13 October 2011

Dedicated Minister for Older People.

In tonight’s main BBC news it was revealed that older people are being neglected badly.

In our work we come across a lot of older great grandparents in their 80s we are telling us of the same problem. “Thrown on the scrap heap” and not bothered about because they are old and it is getting worse.   Grandparents Apart UK have in the past week entered a petition to the Scottish Parliament for a dedicated Minister for Older People. To be made public shortly according to the Scottish petitions office in Edinburgh.

Most grandparents are older people and are being taken advantage of because all the want is a quiet life. To know their family is safe and to see them on occasion but this Scottish Government is denying them peace in their old age, in fact they go out their way to cause them anguish by making contact with their grandchildren akin to climbing Everest. They have no time for older people because they are bottom of the government’s priority list. Shame on them!!

When this petition (A dedicated Minister for Older People) is published I would urge each and every one to sign it. I would like to see a massive surge from all of you to help yourselves.

Jimmy Deuchars
Grandparents Apart UK
0141 882 5658

1 comment:

  1. hi Jimmy the whole thing comes down to cutbacks
    how does the government expect to run a perfect
    care package if they keep cutting back all the time.the private nursing home's pay a minimum wage
    you have staff there that don't want to be there
    but its a job the person in charge off staffing the could not care who they employ as long as the staff numbers are correct.the owner off the home he wants his 80% profit so he makes the cuts in other ways.And believe it or not to open a nursing home you don't need to have any experience in nursing, Now answer me this if you don't have any experience, how the hell can you employ someone, that can tell you anything to get the job the trick is oh my CV has not come from my last employer yet they told me it was in the post,and should arrive any time now.Jimmy the hospital where i worked there was a patient ill so i phoned the duty doctor and the in he came and said for me to give the patient medication in a certain way.i said doc you will have to show me as i have never heard off that method before he said i will be back in 5 mins
    i wont go into all the details.the doc never came back despite several calls, i phoned my senior area charge voicing my fears he came and phoned a ambulance .it was fortunate that after treatment the resident suffered no ill effects but it was only by the grace off god. It could well have ended another direction. anyway it turned out our doc was a not a doc.and had only done a basic first aid course. Jimmy i am not saying all homes are alike.there are some really good caring home's but i am afraid they are in the minority.
