Sunday 23 October 2011

Family needs Fathers FnF

I was speaking to Ian Maxwell of FnF last week at a meeting in Edinburgh and I was very impressed with the guy.  I was one that slagged FnF for not doing too much in the last 30 odd years but Ian is very well aware of this and is determined to address it and I think he should be given that chance.

There are quite a few things we can work together on as we have a common aim. ”Bringing Families Together” Grandparents aim is to maintain contact with their grandchildren provided all is well. I have said it myself and I hear it all the time from grandparents. “I just want to know the kids are ok” and “I love to see the kids but I also love to see them go home again as long is everything is ok. We feel the parents should come first in a child’s lives and nobody should interfere with how they bring up their kids. Not even the government. It would be a great thing if grandparents and fathers and even mothers can all work together for the sake of the kids.

Grandparents Apart UK have a very good record on counselling grandparents and lots have them have gotten back into their grandchildren’s lives. It can work if everybody remembers it’s the kid’s interests that we are dealing with.

Let’s get behind Ian and help make a difference.

Jimmy Deuchars
Grandparents Apart UK
0141 882 5658

1 comment:

  1. Whilst I fully agree with the sentiment, can FnF ever actually achieve anything when funded by the government against which they campaign? Eerlier we saw their funding cut as part of government cuts(at the same time feminist anti-family group funding increased) and with it a corrolational drop off in campaigning by FnF. I really want to believe in them, indeed I believe there must be some good people there that want change but it's no surprise that their funding is cut if they have no power to influence or change. Do the government dare to cut funding of anti-fanily feminist groups? No. Ever think why? I'll keep an open mind on this one and support the aims of FnF but I'll not expect anything until I see it happen. My feeling is that they need to grow a pair and start nailing their colours to the mast. 30+ years of nicely nicely have got them nowhere, in the meantime stronger opinions rom other groups have resulted in far more traction and change. Somthing for FnF to think about. Politicians always take the path of least resistance, it's a law of nature and won't change. When FnF actually start weilding some power and overturning misguided feminist propaganda that drives government policy on family it will get absolutely nowhere - in my humble opinion.
