Thursday 13 October 2011

2,765 people, Spanish1Mostly men, died by suicide

> To:> From:> Date: Tue, October 11, 2011 14:19:36 +0100> Subject: [PAS2000] gender violence feminist Spanish 12,765 committed suicide in 2010, 70% were in the period of separation and the State fails ...............¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡>> ------------------------------>> Gender Violence feminist Spanish 12,765 committed suicide in 2010, the> 70% were in the period of separation and the State fails>>>> * The radical gender ideology continues to claim thousands of victims: 12,765> Spanish committed suicide in 2010 *> Posted on July 10,>> <>> The male suicides in Spain continue to grow year after year. By> Data from the National Institute of Statistics, a total of 12,765 people,> Mostly men, died by suicide. * Although not mentioned in the> Statistics nor the State shall mention the reason for these cases, it is> Victims of violence in Spain instituted a radical feminist, * * men> They decided to say enough is enough after being falsely accused by their wives or> Have to accept unfair decisions about custody of children, in the> Most cases .*> Of all suicides last year, it is estimated that 70 percent were> Men who were in the process of separation, as the Catalan Association> Separated Parents (ACAP), which studies bring to justice the> Health Minister Leire Pajin.> The National Statistics Institute avoids mentioning the word "suicide" and> Speaks instead of "deaths from external causes", encompassing them> Both the suicides and the victims of traffic accidents. The> Minister of the Interior today reported accident data in the> Spanish roads in 2010, which left 1730 dead, 173 less than> In 2009. * At no point in his speech spoke of suicide as the> Leading cause of death in Spain .* "This year is encouraging, although there> 1730 reasons to keep working, "said the minister. Of the other> 12,765 reasons, or mu.> Why is intended deramático become so dilute as suicide in another> Statistics very different sign? * Probably for the perception of> Guilt and bad conscience of the legislators .* They know that without such rules> Contrary to the dignity elementary Spanish men, most of> They would not have opted for a solution as extreme as suicide.> This is what is in the INE on the subject: "Deaths from causes> External (traffic accidents and suicide) were more frequent in> Men. " And that just any analysis. That is, that the purposes of> Amendment will remain nuños and therefore the number of suicides *> *. Inevitably continue to rise> "It's very difficult to know the exact details of men killed and that> Suicide. We all know that radical feminists deny all these> Data, pressure for censorship and publish them with politicians> Dropper. The causes of these suicides, as well as possible rumors> On pardons radical feminists calling for mothers killer> I leave it for readers' comments, "said Jose Flores, a spokesman> ACAP.> Related news

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