Wednesday 2 November 2011

S.N.P. Minimum alcohol prices will kill children.

Now that SNP are again trying to force through a minimum price on alcohol, but what about the children of problem drinkers.  This government are ignoring the poor children that will suffer when they only get what’s left of the weekly income if any. Price hiking will only raise the crime rate as it will not stop problem drinkers getting their alcohol fix but create more poverty and neglect among poorer families. Child neglect/abuse will soar if this is implemented but does Alec Salmond/Nicola Sturgeon care? They are playing politics with the welfare of the most vulnerable of our society.
SNP are the worst government of all time for caring for children and the people who are very important in their lives like grandparents.  Families are very low on their priorities list.

Steps that can be taken before SNP causes more pain and devastation to families.

1,   Proven problem drinkers should be made to attend counselling by law.

2,   The age for purchasing alcohol should be raised to 21 making it easier for
       shop assistants to spot under age buyers.

3,    Happy hours should be totally banned.

4,    Cheap offers in supermarkets should be stopped.

5,    using alcohol for promotions should be an offence.

6,    Outlets for selling alcohol should be reduced.

Jimmy Deuchars
Grandparents Apart UK
0141 882 5658

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